67% of Gen Zers stay at organizations that offer choices in work devices

The majority of students (78%) in higher education want employers to offer choices in work computers, according to a Jamf report.

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More than two-thirds (67%) of higher education students said they are more likely to choose or stay at a company that provides choices in work computers, according to a Vanson Bourne report, commissioned by Jamf.

The report, released on Thursday, surveyed 2,244 current college students across five countries to determine how technology choices influence career decisions. The majority of students (78%) said they think it is important for an employer to offer choices in work computers.

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Mac is the clear winner among Gen Zers: 71% of students said they would either use or would like to use a Mac in the workplace, if upfront cost was not a factor, the report found. When asked why they would chose Mac, students cited ease of use (59%), reliability (57%), durability (48%), and synchronization with other devices (49%) as the main reasons.

The main driver (51%) for users that picked PC devices was price, the report said. However, some 43% of students who use PC devices said that Mac provides the best value, despite the higher price tag.

Some 80% of Mac are firm in their belief that Macs have a better value over PC. Mac users are also loyal to the brand, with 83% of students saying they prefer to still use Mac computers in the workplace, the report said.

"Employers are looking for top talent in a competitive job market. Providing workers with the
tools they know and love is a key way to attract, retain and empower them to be their most
productive," said Dean Hager, CEO of Jamf, in a press release. "The next generation of job seekers wants their tech to just work so that they can focus on their job. They see Mac as more modern, intuitive and reliable – and would like to continue to use it as they launch their careers."

If employers offer choices on work devices, students said they would feel more productive, creative, and valued, according to the report.

For more, check out this TechRepublic article to learn which operating system is dominating to corporate mobile device world.

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Image: iStockphoto/BartekSzewczyk

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